
It's almost August but an August unlike any other. School will open for students on August 13th with a new addition we're excited about and plans in place to keep everyone as safe as possible in light of the ongoing coronavirus concerns. Plans have been put in place and there are three documents linked below you will want to read. The first, entitled Elwood Re-opening Plan is a broad overview on all areas of our return to classroom learning. The second, listed as Elwood School Fall Reopening Guidelines is a chart listing the restrictions and protocol the school will follow depending on the Two Rivers Public Health Department Risk Dial for our area. The final document, Hi-Line Extracurricular Covid Policy outlines the steps we are taking along with Eustis/Farnam in regards to our athletes.

Elwood Re-Opening Plan

Elwood Fall Re-opening Guidelines

Hi-Line Extracurricular Covid Policy

We look forward to seeing everyone on the 13th. Stay safe.